Activity 3: Implementation of a strategy for attracting new audiences and users through the supply and implementation of a platform for improving access and organization of cultural events "Digital Ethno-Impresario".
Description: The implementation of the strategy and digital platform - "Digital Ethno-Impresario" are aimed at attracting audiences, expanding the audience and cognitive impact of cultural and historical values. Through these tools, all stakeholders involved in the preservation and socialization of cultural heritage can create their own profiles.
Each of the profiles represents the respective organization or entrepreneurs - providing tour guide services; presenting or exhibiting immovable, movable and digital cultural heritage; providing new knowledge about the cultural and historical past, etc.
The modules are structured as follows - text, photo and graphic content; video and audio files; designation of the geolocation in "Google Maps" and admin panel for participation in the cultural calendar and organization of events.
We expect that the qualitative transfer of the innovative digital practices and tools united in the web application "Digital Ethno-Impresario" will play a useful role.
The transfer will contribute to attracting new audiences and expanding the capacity of local cultural entrepreneurs from the target areas, in the field of cultural and historical heritage and knowledge transfer - through cultural cooperation between Bulgarian and Norwegian entrepreneurs.
In this respect, the Product of Activity 3 focuses on access to culture in local and regional areas, for example through audience development, cultural entrepreneurship and improved access to culture for ethnic and cultural minorities.
In this way, local organizations and institutions, folklore ensembles, artists, performers and craftsmen will be able to use electronic tools to organize and promote cultural events - integrated with social networks.
They will be able to announce their events, activities and initiatives, and users will use the "registration" section. Through this innovative electronic module, actual and potential participants in events will be able to choose different types of participation, book appointment hours, pay entrance fees and tickets, receive vouchers and other organizational documents - characterizing the way of participating in the event, the event or visit.
Particularly popular and popular among modern digital forms for involving the audience and the audience in the creative process are the tools for crowdsourcing / content sharing /.
This innovative digital practice, which is popular in Norway, has been adapted to involve locals, visitors and guests in the target areas in the preservation and socialization of historical and cultural monuments. The section for maintaining video content related to the cultural and historical heritage of the four target territories is also innovative.
Creating digital content and creating a video channel "Folklore Ethno-Workshop" - on YouTube. Cultural heritage is considered to be a business niche without sufficient market potential and opportunities for intensive development and progress.
All statistical sources show an unprecedented growth of the recreational industry and in particular - entrepreneurship in the field of cultural heritage and cultural tourism.
To increase the economic benefits, the partner consortium includes representatives of all stakeholder groups - district and municipal administrations and non-governmental organizations - working in the field of socialization of cultural artifacts. "Digital Ethno-Impresario" supports the development of multimedia techniques for cultural animation for expressive presentations, demonstrating the synthesis between different folklore genres.
The implementation of this digital tool will have an impact on improving the access of local residents, tourists and guests to the target areas to the authentic values of the local culture dating back to ancient times.