Project - „Modern techniques for European intercultural dialogue and cultural consumption - folk arts, life and crafts of the descendants of the Norwegian Vikings and different ethnic groups in Bulgaria“

Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2014-2021

Program - Cultural Entrepreneurship, Heritage and Cooperation

The existence (existence, exposition and reception) of the folk art, way of life and crafts undergoes various metamorphoses, in parallel with the development of the general civilization process.

  • The role and weight of the movable cultural heritage in the socio-economic processes in the local communities is also extremely dynamic.
  • This dynamics and the opportunities for the application of new approaches, new techniques and initiatives for the preservation of cultural heritage and the organization of its exhibition and presentation in modern and contemporary cultural formats and events are the challenges facing the project.

The project activities are focused on expanding opportunities for employment, social inclusion and entrepreneurship based on local, traditional historical values, as well as expanding opportunities for implementation of modern and contemporary techniques for cultural impact and improving access to folklore values of different ethnicities and peoples.

Activities are planned for identification, transfer, adaptation and implementation of innovative Norwegian practices and business models in the field of folk art, life and crafts.

  • Municipal, regional and non-governmental organizations - included in the partner consortium - will transfer Norwegian practices and exchange experiences in organizing quality and wide-ranging initiatives, events and happenings, as well as improve access to local folklore and cultural products and services, tourism.
  • The created products, as a result of the transfer, adaptation and implementation of innovative practices, have the potential to assist all stakeholders in their preparation for organizing and implementing events, including local, traditional folk art and crafts from Bulgaria and Norway, and at the same time upgrade with modern techniques and technologies for expressive impact and aesthetic reception.